Alpha 150

Friday, September 15, 2006

Happy Grandparent's Day A Little Late


She was the definition of unconditional love. She never doubted that I could do anything. In her eyes I could do no wrong. What a rare gift I was given that for 17 years of my life I had someone to love me in this way. She would do anything for me. She kept a LOT of cats for a LOT of years to please me as well as a host of dogs and a herd of cattle. She chased chicks with a broom … gently capturing one and handing it to me to “play” with. She endured my pet chicken in the house of all things and would fix me homemade French fries for breakfast. She cut out her share of paper dolls out of the funny paper and gave me a drawer in her dresser to store them. She made warm quilts to sleep under and was piecing one especially for me at the time of her death. But of all the things she did, made, or bought for me the gift I treasure the most was her undying love for me and her faith in me. I write because she thought I had some hidden talent. She read my stories with great interest; even if they were about me marrying someone like Andy Gibb and being a world-famous neurosurgeon; not to humor me but I feel she actually believed it could happen. She let me drive her around at the age of 14 with complete faith that I could do it. She would have let me drive her to town or to mars remember she believed I could accomplish anything. She listened to “my” music and listened to me sing it off key and out of tune but she thought and made me feel that I could become some major rock star. I know I know most people say this is the wrong way to raise a child… but she was not one of my parents; they were the ones who kept my feet on the ground… she was my grandmother and my best friend. She provided for me self esteem and self confidence. She also instilled in me love for others …She also gave me my sense of humor because I was her comedic relief. The more she laughed the more I tried to make her laugh… She helped me see the funnier side of life. She was my world for those 17 years and when she died in 1981 I was devastated. My world was gone. My confidant was gone. I was alone in the world. It has been 23 years now since of her death and thinking of it and her still makes me cry. I still feel that pain of the ripping away of a huge piece of my heart. “She can’t be gone She just can’t…” She missed the major moments of my life and that seems so unfair. She missed my graduation from High School, she missed my marriage, she missed my graduation from college, and she even missed the birth of her great grandsons whom she would have adored. I dream of her… I dreamed of her the night before my graduation from High School and the night before my wedding and the night before my graduation from college… so I know she was there … I know she is still here with me everyday… because I think of her everyday… and I dream of her still occasionally and we are back in Franklin, in the living room or on the front porch… And I am home again… And I, me, can conquer the world… It is a nice place to visit and the visits are all to short and it time for us to go… Parting is such sweet sorrow, as Shakespeare said… And I wake up sad and impatient for the next dream. I miss you Nannie, everyday but I have a great life… as you know and I feel that some how even if I didn’t conquer the world and become someone famous or infamous you are proud of me and that makes all the difference. I can’t wait until our next visit and I promise I will be home with you one day! And if I can be half the grandmother you were I will feel that I have accomplished the greatest feat in the world. I love you as always!
You’re Granddaughter, Tracye Wynne Malone Prewitt
Written January 31, 2003

I miss you a little since you been gone; a few little memories keep hanging on. I miss you a little, I guess you could say … I little to much, I little to often, a little more everyday! John Michael Montgomery

Got a picture of you I carry in my heart… Got a memory of you I carry in my soul…. Lonestar


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