Alpha 150

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Five years ago America was savagely and deliberately attacked! We must never forget what happened on that crisp bright blue autumn morning! And we must never forget the reason that such a horrific attack happened in the first place.... HATE... a small word with such an ugly meanings! Intolerance and ignorance lead to the tragedies of 9-11! We must honor the memories of loved ones lost to the tragedy and in the war that followed... But we must go forth from this the 5th anniversary of this act of hate and teach tolerance, compassion, and love for everyone no matter their race, religion, gender, etc etc... I will forever remember the site of the planes crashing into the towers, seeing the Pentagon in shambles, and the smoldering remains of flight 93 in that Pennsylvannia field... I will always remember the phone call telling me an aquaintance of mine had perished in the Pentagon. I will always remember you DD! And your best buddy from Durant who died in the plane that hit the Pentagon .. Joe I didn't know you in life but I will never forget you! We lost 2000 plus men, women, and children that day! And we promise you all that we will never forget you EVER! May God bless your souls! We love and miss you all!

Father God,
Please be with the families of all the victims of this sad anniversary! Be with us as a nation, be with our troops, and be with the world family that we may find a way to get along... because you told us too! "Love your neighbor as yourself!" Thank you for loving us even when we can't seem to find a way to love each other! Thank you for your son who showed us how to be a giving and forgiving person. Bless us and keep us in your loving care.. In Jesus name AMEN!


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