Alpha 150

Friday, June 03, 2005


Our beloved basenji is in the hospital .... he will be 16 tomorrow and is suffering from beginning stages of kidney failure; elevated white blood count; a raging infection; and dehydration! He means the world to our family the boys call him their brother and he is our oldest son! The house is too quiet and I dread the decision I feel we will have to make tomorrow! Please keep us all close in prayer so that we can make the right decision for Dudy Noble Polk and not a selfish decision for us! Please pray that whatever decision we make that we will be able to live with it in the days to come... no second guessing! Please pray for us to have the strength to make a decision and peace and comfort for Noble no matter what the out come may be. Thank you for listening

He is with me in the darkness....
Psalm 23


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