Alpha 150

Friday, June 02, 2006

The Good We Do!

Our military has gotten a black eye in the media recently due to unfortunate incidents that did or didn't happen! But in my heart I think the good that our military is doing in Iraq will out weight any bad we might have done! Yes in war bad things happen.. The quotation is true .... "War is hell"... unfortunately! But I know what the men of Company A 150th CEB did... They served their country and promoted goodwill and liberty to the people of Iraq! The 150th helped Iraqi children, Iraqi families (particularly in the rural poor areas) and did all they could to help a handicapped child who needed medical attention 7 years ago when he was born! They along with their families back home collected school supplies, toys, medical supplies, clothes, and shoes just to name the tip of a huge iceberg of love and support for the people particularly the children of Iraq. So while the media talks of the bad our military is doing I want us to remember that the good that our military is doing and in the end the good will always win out and remain!
Because in the end only kindness matters!


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