Alpha 150

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

These Things I Pray

Dear Father God
Help me be the person you want me to be
Thank you for all my many blessings and the many things in my life that I don't see as blessings but really are....
Thank you for sending your son and my brother to die for my sins! What an awesome gift to give such a undeserving sinner such as myself! Thank you for the gift that keeps on giving!
Thank you for forgiveness and second chances .... Thank you for a love that passes all understanding!
Accept me as the sinner that I am and accept my confession of all my short comings and receive my acceptance of your son and my brother Jesus The Christ!
Be with my family, my friends, my state and my country everyday and help us all realize that you are GOOD all the time! And all things work together to honor and praise you!
In Jesus name


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