Alpha 150

Friday, June 17, 2005


June 17, 2005 - SGT ARNOLD AND SPC LEE MEMORIAL SERVICEWe have known for the last 3 days that we would have the memorial service today, but it was something people were looking forward to as well as dreading. You look forward to honoring your fallen comrades, but you dread having to finally say goodbye. When I went into the chow tent this morning, it was very quiet. Everywhere you went it was really kind of somber. We had to be in formation at 9:30 to get ready. It was hot even then. I had gotten an email from my brother saying that he was coming up with GEN Collins for the memorial. We were waiting in formation for the helicopter when someone told us to take about 10 minutes in the shade because it was running late. There wasn't any shade to be found so we just kind of stood around making sure to drink plenty of water. They finally started the memorial service without the helicopter. We found out later that the helicopter had some problems and couldn't make it. It would have been good to see brother.The memorial service started off CPT Nichols making the opening remarks. Chaplain Lefluer followed the opening remarks with a prayer. As soon as the prayer was completed, the National Anthem was played over the loud speaker. It was a chilling experience to hear this, watch the flag flap in the wind and to be right behind two stools with boots, weapon with bayonette and Kevlar. Nothing was sang, just the music. It let you reflect on the soldiers rather than the song. Scripture was read by 1LT Beal (platoon leader for soldiers) and read 2 Timothy 4: 1-8. Darius Ewing then sang a solo with no music. The song was Shout The Victory. CPT Nichols then read the obituaries for these two fine soldiers. After this was done, there was time for a Eulogy by a few of his leaders and friends; SSG Davis, SSG Howze, SSG Eubanks and company commander. LTC Robinson then spoke of these two soldiers. He talked about all the younger soldiers here aging beyond years from maturity by being over here. He talked about how SPC Lee who was to have a child born in September, but not being able to hold that baby and the child never to be able to be held by father. The reason behind this statement was that what we are doing over here isn't for right now, but for the children that are to come. We fight for America children to be free and Iraq children to have a better life than they have ever had. He also stated that we really don't worry about ourselves over here, but our worries are about our families having to live without us. Chaplain Leflure then gave a few spiritual words that reflected on Paul fighting the good fight and when dangerous, he didn't stop, he continued his march. Once this was completed, 1SG Mergenschoer did final roll call. He called several names then he got to SGT Arnold's name, but no answer, he called 3 times and finally SFC Odom announced that the soldier was not in rank. The same steps were followed for SPC Lee. It just kind of brings home that these soldiers aren't standing with us anymore. Taps was then played. This song as well as the National Anthem will bring chills down your back with everything going through your mind as the song is being played. It gives new meaning to both songs. We all went in line and stood in front of each pedestal with the weapons, boots and kevlar and gave our last salute. As many walked away, they were wiping their faces and it wasn't from the sweat. A very fitting memorial for two outstanding soldiers. I did attach a picture of the soldier's company commander standing guard as everyone passed by to give their last salutes.We did get mail yesterday which brought a few letters and boxes to everyone so it kind of lightened the mood a little. I'm sure more reflected of home and the events that had happened, but it was nice just to have a part of your family with you during this sad time.


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