Alpha 150

Monday, November 13, 2006

Post Menopause Shape Up!

More photos of exercises with descriptions at

Q.Do you have any suggestions of exercises or workouts for postmenopausal women? Specifically, how to target the abs muscles?Since menopause, I tend to accumulate fat in the abdominal region instead of the hips and buttocks (as I did before).

A.I work with lots of menopausal and postmenopausal women, many of whom are often frustrated by symptoms such as irritability, hot flashes, and weight gain--especially around the midsection. Recent studies confirm their experiences. But belly fat is not inevitable. One study conducted just last summer concluded that vigorous physical activity significantly reduced body fat and waist size.The bottom line is that although our bodies change with age, we have more control over what happens than we think. Pilates, for example, may be a great way for you to begin working on toning and firming the midsection and waist. Pilates exercises work several muscle groups simultaneously through controlled, continuous motion. They focus on strengthening and stabilizing the core body, including the abdomen, obliques, back, and pelvis. Pilates exercises should be done mindfully and executed with precision to make them effective and safe. My clients and I have noticed not only an improvement in core body toning but also in range of motion. Everyday activities seem to get easier with flexibility in the core, hips, and shoulders.Start with a few of the exercises below and add more as you feel more comfortable. Joseph Pilates once said: "Above all, learn to breathe." So don't forget to keep the oxygen flowing! Lastly, as a personal trainer, I have to remind you: Calories in vs. calories out still applies to losing extra body fat. While toning, eat a little less, move a little more, and you will love the results!


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